Gustavo Piga ha conseguito il Ph. D. in Economics presso la Columbia University di New York. E’ professore ordinario di Economia Politica presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” dove dirige il corso di laurea triennale in inglese Global Governance ed il Master in Procurement Management. E’ stato membro del Consiglio degli Esperti del Ministero del tesoro e Presidente della Consip S.p.A. ed è esperto di appalti pubblici, anticorruzione e di politica macroeconomica europea. E’ l’autore del controverso rapporto del 2001 su “Derivatives in Public Debt Managament”. E’ stato tra i curatori per i tipi di MIT Press de “Revisiting Keynes” e per Cambridge University Press dell’Handbook of Procurement. E’ l’autore del recente “L’interregno” pubblicato da Hoepli sulla crisi europea. E’ stato Membro del Comitato Scientifico dell’Ufficio Parlamentare di Bilancio e Presidente del Comitato referendario per lo “stop all’austerità”. Interviene regolarmente sui media nel dibattito sul futuro dell’Europa.
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Opere d’arte/Works of Art:
Gustavo Piga, Ph. D. in Economics at Columbia University, is Full Professor of Economics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where he chairs the International Master in Public Procurement Management and the Bachelor degree in English in Global Governance. He has chaired the Italian Procurement Agency for Goods and Services, Consip Ltd., between 2002 and 2005. He is the author of the controversial 2001 report on “Derivatives in Public Debt Management”. His fields of expertise are public procurement, macroeconomics and public debt management. He is the editor of several books, among which of the Handbook of Procurement, Cambridge University Press, with Nicola Dimitri and Giancarlo Spagnolo and of Revisiting Keynes: Economic Possibilities for our Granchildren, MIT Press, with Lorenzo Pecchi. He is the author of the recent book “L’interregno” by Hoepli on the European crisis. He is also the co-editor of the European Journal of Public Procurement Markets has been member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Parliamentary Budget Office.
Gustavo Piga CV
Italian Curriculum Vitae
English Curriculum Vitae